Thursday 6 June 2013

Black and white Album

Hello Friends,
A quick post on a circular album created by me. Inspired from various sources.. I have so much to show you then to talk about.... I always felt that albums can only be enjoyed in a video, so I promised myself that for my next album, I will not do a blog post until I make its video. So here I am with a video of it... Fingers crossed!!! hope you people like it, there are so many awesome crafters there ... who make fabulous albums.. this is my tiny effort to join that race. With the limited supplies that I have , I have created this. I am longing to have a BIGSHOT .. may be then I can add some magic to the creations.. anyways.. for now this is also not bad.... :) Enjoy and please do let me know about it.. the mistakes.. or any additions.. or some compliments :) ( I need them, as this is my first video)
Love and Hugs to all




  1. Lovely Mini Album!! Would love to make one..

  2. OMG!! Beautiful!๐Ÿ˜ How u r getting time to do these with patience ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

  3. OMG!! Beautiful!๐Ÿ˜ How u r getting time to do these with patience ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
